I like to think that since the arts, in my case, the visual arts, we can make the world a better place. The arts are in direct relation with the culture in society, culture and education are the base of every smart population. The arts make you think, read and learn from the senses. It develops the capacity to see the world from another place, a sensitive one, and observe the injustice. Once we have seen it we are already responsible and we have to do something to change it. From the art the way to do it it's infinity because creation and imagination are. It supposes that when we create something, the idea doesn't come from anywhere, it came to from a feeling, and ideal, beliefs, etc. So when we bring an idea to the matter it´s just a reflection of our inside. 



  1. The visual arts are something that helps the world and people a lot, as it allows many to be creative and show things that others don't see, and they also get to show that the world isn't just a circle but can be as square as it's triangular.

  2. That's true, art brings different perspectives to the same situations, sometimes creating confusion or dislike but this is what makes it important to the world.

  3. I like your vision of arts, when you say that art make us smart, and it's totally true, because there are different types of intelligence and emotional is one of those, and without art, our emotional intelligences would be very atrophied.

  4. I really like it when you say that art gives us a sensitive look at the world. It is one of the main reasons why I love art and my career


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