Career-related website

One of my favorite websites related to my career is not as such, it is actually an Instagram account. Its name is On Instagram there are a hundred art accounts but this one in particular seems excellent and interesting to me. Basically, it shows you works of art from different places and creators from all over the world. This account keeps me abreast of
contemporary artwork, and sometimes serves as inspiration for my own work. All the images bring the description of who made it and a small summary of the piece. In addition, something good about this website is that the content is quite varied, there are paintings, sculptures, installations, engravings, photographs, etc. I visit this account quite often because Instagram is the social network that I use the most, therefore, I am aware of the content published by and other accounts related to the subject. Doing this blog i realized that actually there exist a web site, which it's more complete and great than the Instagram account.




  1. The account is interesting, as it's active and it's good that it can be useful for your own work, as you have a place of inspiration or reference, and it's even better that i's Instagram because you visit it frequently and it's very easy to access.

  2. today instagram is a good platform to see and show artistic content because it is daily and massive. I will follow your site, I found it very interesting :)

  3. When i finish reading I instantaly went to instagram to look for that page, all the artwork there is so amazing

  4. Hi Amanda, I also visit the account a lot, I am inspired by every work that appears on my instagram home, although I am not visual artist, my free time is totally dedicated to make paintings and installations (because of the pandemic, this last one is imposible) :c

  5. I check the account and I like it . Is nice you find inspiration in social media´s like Instagram. I s a very fruitful shape of use the social media


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